Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Special Avon Skincare Ideas.

Special Avon Skincare Ideas. See more on:

Special technique to use when applying skincare products to that special area around your eye, especially the area below the eye and next to the eye.

Because most people understand that that skin is special skin compared to the skin on the rest of your face, its thinner, it’s much more sensitive and you’ve heard me say many times before with skincare products in general that less is more and nowhere else does that apply as it does here. So, this is how to put on your eye area skincare products. First of all take a very small amount, you see how much I have here, and dab it gently first starting in the crows feet area next to the eye, then the lower lid and then right down to the bone below the eye which is called the orbital bone and very gently massage it in for just a few seconds until it absorbs or sets and if you can still see the product after you’ve finished massaging it in then you’ve put too much on and that’s all there is to it. Then people say, “what about the upper lids? Can we put skincare products on the upper lids?” and generally speaking I don’t recommend it because regardless of what you put up there, in the course of the day when you sweat, or just from normal activities, some of it can leech down off the skin of the upper lid, get into the eye and irritate inside the eye. Having said that, some people feel that they have dry skin of the upper lid so moisturizers which are very mild and gentle usually are okay but I wouldn’t use antioxidants or exfoliants and not even sunscreen on the upper lid. Now you just heard me say not to apply sunscreen, you’ve never heard me say that before. First of all if it’s sunny out, wear sunglasses. Second of all, most of the skin of your upper lid when your eyes are open, and I hope they’re open when your outside, when your eyes are open it’s retracted underneath another piece of skin and the little part that is showing, it’s actually shadowed and protected by the bone up here which is also the orbital bone. So, the bottom line is you really don’t need sunscreen on the upper lid. Most skin cancers are caused by sun exposure, I’ve been treating patients for over 25 years and I’ve seen skin cancers of the lower lid but never in 25 years have I even seen a skin cancer of the upper lid. So the bottom line when applying eye area skincare products is, less is more and apply it very, very gently.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Today I propose you this purple make-up

The following blog post Today I propose you this purple make-up is courtesy of Reps. For Avon LLC

This autumn I fell in love with purple!

I used this palette, the Vintage Romance I-Divine Palette of Sleek MakeUp It has a lot of purples, especially in the second row These are the colors... in the first row are more "party" colors I used this... This... And this gold I have just recorded the eyebrows' tutorial so in this video you can't see how I draw my eyebrows...but in the first one! I hope you like it, I leave you at the tutorial I apply an eye primer all over the lid and in the lower lid too I apply this bright purple eyeshadow in the middle of the lid With a pencil brush I apply a dark purple in the outer corner and a little bit in the crease Then I apply it in the lower lid too Now I blend the borders...blend blend blend... I apply the gold eyeshadow in the inner corner I apply a little bit of black eyeshadow in the outer corner and I blend it Now I apply a thin line of eyeliner with a little flick I apply the black pencil in the lower inner rim and in the upper I curl the eyelashes I apply the mascara Now I apply the foundation I apply the concealer to cover the eye circles I apply the powder I apply a little bit of bronzer And then I apply the lipstick This is the final look, I hope you like it... And I'll see you at the next video! Bye! Hope this article was helpful in finding what fall colors are best for you. Avon has a lot of great products ranging from beauty and makeup to skin care. Find your local Avon rep. In Missouri by filling out the contact for on this page. For more great Avon articles and videos click the links in the footer.

Friday, February 19, 2016

9 Steps To A Successful Sale Or Purchase Of Your Plane

My reports quite simply are designed to give you what you need when you need it and without the hassle of contacting a broker.

In these reports i'm going to give you advice and information, a lot of which the industry doesn't want you to know about and how to use that information to navigate your way to a successful sale or purchase of your plane I like to keep my reports as short as possible so let's get down to business let's talk about complaints the top complaints in fact and frustration I here from my clients Customers and new contacts pretty regularly to make matters worse these complaints seem to be the same weather folks are buying or selling a plane the Number one complant and frustration I hear is that people don't don't trust the system and they deffinitely don't trust brokers they don't believe the information they're being given is accurate or for their benefit they believe brokers are out to only help themselves and they will say just about anything they think you want to hear in order to get their next sale the Number two frustration complaint here usually goes something like someone will call in and introduce themselves and in a very frustrated tone say, all i'd like to do is get some information about the market, i'm not sure what to do it yet and no one is willing to give the information I need, they all want me to sign a contract before their willing to help which leads us to the reputation of the industry and it's sad to me that the industry has this reputation because it really doesn't have to be this way now, don't get me wrong there are good men and women in this industry I work with them on a regular basis the problem is that they and are far outnumber by those who think that that's way to do business is to think of themselves first instead of their client or customer I take a totally different approach so before we go any further let me explain how my approach is different than waht you've probably seen out there You see, I believe you should be given up front for free and initally with no commitment, all of the information and advice you will need to be able to make an informed and comfortable decision about buying or selling your plane what this also does it gives you and the broker a chance to work together let me give you an example of why that's important take my approach, will work for you maybe and maybe not but how well you know if all i wanted from you was a signed contract upfront before we ever even got started next let me explain a little bit more about my approach I really believe that if you care about your clients and customers and you really care about them and their situation and what's best for them you don't have to worry about yourself because you'll be takin care of in the process. The industry however is afraid that if they give you information up front you will take that information go somewhere else but i believe if what you're offering a customer or client is of value then why would they go anywhere else Commissions lets talk about commissions because that's a big deal in a lot of people have Questions about what it fair commissions is or what a standard commission is and is there one in the industry well First off let me tell you that no there really is a standart commission in the induistry brokers will typically make their money one of two ways the number one way is they will inter into an agreement with you and have either a fixed fee they will get on the total purchase price of the plane that you buy or sell number two is they will get in between you and the person buying your plane or selling the one you want I'll explain howthat one works in a moment it may surprise you to know that i would recommend the first to approach why is that because it gives you a chance to not only no what the brokers Making but to also have a say in how much the broker is making I'd also recommend especially if you're selling to go with a percentage based commission that way the broker has the personal stake and how much your plane is sold for it's not jsut a flat fee they get regardless of whether the plane sells for a highe or low price let me give you a little more information about that second approach and how the broker makes money this happens usually when a buyer or seller decides they really don't want a broker involved and that is usually because they don't want to pay for one and they feel that this will save them some money the problem and the danger is there is almost always a broker involved and I can tell you when there's a broker involved there's going to be a commission involved the only difference is with this approach you don't know how much they're making and that means you also don't have a say in how much the commission is so who's really selling your plane you. See what happens is a broker will come to you and say they would like to buy your plane but what they don't tell you is they really don't have an interest in buying it for Themselves they found a buyer for your plane and they will negotiate a price with both you and that buyer once they get an offer from the buyer they will present it to you for a lower amount, it looks like they're buying it because the offer is in their name but it's really just changing hands with a mark up that usually a lot more then what the commission would have been and also, think aobut this, not working for you the same thing happens when you're buying a plane. If presented as if its the brokers plane with their contact information on it they don't however own the plane or represent the owner what they are doing is taking the price the real wonder is asking marking it up and presenting it to you as if it's their plane same as before only now you're just on the other side one of the big problems with this approach and again it's the same as before you know what the commission is until after the sale if at all and if you do find out how much it was you probably won't be very happy when you learn how much was how much better to know about and have a say in not only the amount of the Commission but to also have that person working directly for and representing you instead of themselves I also recomend you find someone who doesn't charge anything up front and only gets paid at the end and only if they come through for you with the sale or purchase of your plane so just imagine not having to pay someone unless they dilever and come through for you a lot of people in the industry think that's crazy way to go but i believe if you really can and will do everything you say why would would you be afraid of that last but not least before you know how much you will pay in Commissions your going to have to make some decisions if you're selling you need to determin the value of your plane and you need to know how to do that and how you want to bring it to market. If you're buying you'll need to also be able to determin the fair market value of a plane you are interested in and you'll need to decide the best way to go about finding you plane and how to bo about that search so in my next report we're gonna talk about how the value of the plane is determined and it may surprise you know how the industry goes about that. there are some good things and there are some bad things that you need to avoid we'll also talk about commission and percentages commission rates and what they should be and should not be so thats in the next report thank you so much for joining me on this first report in a new series called nine steps to a successful sale or purchase of your plane this is Eric David have a good one.

9 Steps To A Successful Sale Or Purchase Of Your Plane is available on

The Show-Me State Clear Water Springs.

The Show-Me State Clear Water Springs. was first seen on Lodging Lake Of The Ozarks

These blue waters surrounded by lush green vegetation, give life to many streams and rivers in the state.

There are over 11-hundred springs in Missouri. Today we'll take a look at just a few. You'll find springs in all regions of the Show-me state. But the greatest number are located in the Ozarks of central, southern and southwest Missouri. While there are many springs in Missouri, there are still a lot of questions about these natural wonders that remain unanswered. What we do know is their waters are cool. They have a constant temperature between 56 and 59 degrees. A lot of water pours out of them millions and millions of gallons each day. Big Spring near Van Buren is the largest spring in the state. An average of 275-million gallons of water flows from the spring each day. And that changes daily depending on the amount of rainfall. But where does the water come from? It comes from the surface, down through the soil and rock, and in many cases, the water travels several miles underground, before exiting at a spring outlet. At Big Spring, some water travels from as far as 50 miles away. The waters that flow from the springs in Missouri provide a water source for fishing and floating in the state. They are also a tourist attraction. Over the years, they've been used for other purposes as well. Some springs in Missouri supplied pioneers with salt. Where salt was not present, they were used as water supplies. Years ago, many springs also helped power grist mills to grind grains into flour and corn meal. Today, only a scattering of mills, like this one at Alley Spring near Eminence can be found. They also helped supply ideas for names of towns and cities. From Cedar Springs to Climax Springs; there’s Excelsior Springs, Bennett Spring, Sweet Springs, Siloam Spring, Weldon Spring, Lake Spring, Edgar Springs, El Dorado Springs and Springfield. The waters that flow from the springs in Missouri are the source of many streams and rivers in the state. and home to some of the most scenic beauty in the Midwest. It's also home to many interesting plants, animals and fish. For trout, these waters are the only natural place cool enough for them to survive year-round in the state. At Bennett Spring near Lebanon, nearly 100 million gallons of water gushes daily from the state's third largest spring, The stream is stocked daily from March through October and provides excellent fishing for rainbow and brown trout. Springs also supply water to the state's other trout parks including Montauk near Licking. An estimated 43 million gallons of water flows daily to form the main headwaters of the Current River.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Crank Bait Fishing Easy Techniques

Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about how to fish with a crank bait.

Now, crank baits come in all different sizes and all different shapes. You have different shapes and different size lips as you can see this one here and this one here. Now, the lips of the crank bait determine how deep the crank bait is going to go. This short one here, short lip, is generally a couple feet under the surface of the water. Then, you have this one here, probably mid depths, down to maybe 8 to 10 feet or so.
Then you have this lip here, which is a little bit larger than that one, and it’s going to go down probably 12 to 14 feet or so. Then you have this extremely large lip which will probably go down 20 to 25 feet. Now when you fish crank baits, a lot of people are afraid to fish them in trees and stones for fear they are gong to get caught because of the double and triple hooks. These lips help the bait bounce off the rocks. You can fish these through rocks and the ideal places to fish these things, and the ideal way to fish them is to bounce them off rocks, you bounce them off trees.
You come up to a tree and bang that tree, bang that rock with it and kick up a lot of dust and that’s what triggers the strikes. You come up to a rock and you might stop it for a little bit, then start going again, crank it, bounce it off anything you can find, riff raff, rock piles, stumps. You would be amazed at what these baits can go through. And a lot of people are afraid to fish them that way. And that’s how you fish a crank bait.
Hope this quick article was useful and will help you land that lunker. Find a fishing guide.